she's 17 and STILL looks young
Thursday, November 29, 2007 5:31 PM
Once again, I was a moody bitch, but a sobbing moody bitch who freaks the hell out of people who saw me bursting into tears.Once again, I want to beg forgiveness from all of you for today. That I freaked you out. That I took a lot of your time to calm me down. And to the little portion of people I talked to I'm sorry that I exploded and screamed in your face.This'll sound cliche. This'll make your eyes roll. But really now that I think of it, it was really stupid.A lot of you are enduring it, going through the same thing as I do and I respect all of you for taking it in so gracefully in contrast of myself who took it in and let it all out... not so gracefully.I feel like a nutjob when I recall everything from yesterday and two days ago.Yet again, I want to say sorry to the people whose shoulders I've humidify, whose dignity I've trampled, whose forearms I've crushed, whose time I've wasted.In honest fact, for the first time this year and in my whole life opening to people feels relieving. And I'm glad I did to a handful of you people.Thanks to all of you, for the tissues, your shoulders, your, uh, lap, your concerns and the pats on my head it feels nice. It feels lighter inside; soothing.I'm sorry but thank you. I really am, on both accounts......ANY-KA-POOTS.Today is sapa punya birthday ah? I don't knoooooww. :D Just kidding you Tabasco eater.HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU
*dies on the floor; out of breath*
Ha -- Happ-- ppy... Birrrthhh --- ddaaayyy... to...
I bet if a lot of people were made to sing the birthday song for you, Zimah, with your fullname the number of people dying juts up dramatically, consequently banning the singing of a birthday song for you.
I know it's not funny, 'cause I'm not trying to be. Imagine, man. It could happen!
Happy 17th you "hot body-ed but trying to make it slimmer which could make you more boney than ever" person!
Labels: birthday, Zimah
malay again?
Wednesday, November 28, 2007 4:36 PM
I'm really sorry for being such a moody bitch today, since today is a special day for someone. I was moody because of my VIP thing.I even escaped Socio class in my empty ELit class and wallow in frustration and sadness, and killed time by reading David Copperfield and as always I didn't get it. And I am very confused of Ham Peggory's gender.Being swallowed into this whole thing is all because of Miss Zari made me realise about myself : I bear zero confidence in me.Ironically enough(since she is a teacher) she told me to go out more at nights. (Y) She is awesome right? Being analytical that she is she sees that when I'm pressured, for example in an examination hall, everything comes to a standstill; I get mentalblocks. Thus my EAS paper was a cockout. She didn't expect me to fail the paper.All the realisation dampened my mood, and we both are working on getting solutions to my problem. But still I couldn't find any. So she said to me to go out at night more; socialize more; talk to your friends; gain confidence along the way.That's what she advices me to do : Socialize more and go out at night more.My academic-realted problem is not the only thing bothering me. There are some other things too.HOWEVER THAT WAS NOT THE POINT OF THIS ENTRY!!to dzariifah iskandar;selamat menyambut hari jadi -- and why the hell did I speak Malay?HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY DZAR the Catwoman. rawr?Too bad that my camera died before I could get pictures of the yummy cake. I will admit here that if I had the cake all by myself in my room, I'd smother myself with the chocolate and -- yeah.HAPPY BIRTHDAY DZAR!!Labels: birthday, daily life, Dzar, GDL, Maktab Duli
[FICLET] Ephemeral Child
Saturday, November 24, 2007 10:07 PM
Zati made me lose my confidence, and I regret listening to her. So I wandered off in gayland to cheer myself up.I was on the net randomly looking at pictures, then I saw this intriguing abstract miniature statue of... something beautiful I couldn't make out what.I am deprived, man. I'm pretty much desperate now.So I wrote this, surprisingly around more or less 4 hours, including breaks.And voila! It's short though.Ephemeral ChildPairing : Yoochun/Jaejoong"Jaejoong is Yoochun's best, worst secret, held safe behind closed doors and drawn curtains."Everyone who visits Yoochun's dorm room comments on the figurine that stands at the far corner of his desk.When asked, Yoochun replies, his fingers just touching the curve of a porcelain cheek, "Oh, that's Jaejoong. He's been my best friend since I was a kid."In general, people think it's a joke, smile at the whimsy, or decide Yoochun just doesn't want to talk about it, move on to speak about other, safer, things. What they don't know is that after the door's closed behind them, Yoochun takes down the statue, sets it gently on the carpet and says, "They're gone, you can come out now." They don't see the statue grow and stretch, bend the air and become a young man just Yoochun's height, with pale skin, honey-gold hair, and strange eyes that glint brown and blue by turns. (He used to be a boy just Yoochun's height, and then a teenager who grew as Yoochun did. Now, he's this.)No-one else has seen Jaejoong - stretched out on Yoochun's bed with a computer game, beating Yoochun's high scores; humming along to the radio as he proof-reads Yoochun's essay; half-helping, half-getting in the way as Yoochun tries to make dinner; laughing and drying Yoochun's tears at the end of a sappy romantic movie that Yoochun wouldn't even admit he owned to anyone else. Jaejoong is Yoochun's best, worst secret, held safe behind closed doors and drawn curtains.Sometimes at night, with Jaejoong breathing against Yoochun's shoulder, Yoochun dreams about dropping the statue, watching it fall and shatter. In his dreams, he wonders if that would set Jaejoong free, if Jaejoong would step out of the shards of broken china, if he would open the curtains and let the unfiltered sun touch him for the first time. Yoochun dreams about taking Jaejoong to lectures, leaning together and complaining about the boring ones; about walking next to Jaejoong in the park, barefoot in the grass; about showing him the world outside Yoochun's room, the everyday, ordinary life that Yoochun leads when he's not with Jaejoong.Yoochun wakes up terrified that he's actually done it, that the statue is gone, that the door is open, that Jaejoong has walked out of Yoochun's life; or worse, that with the statue broken, Jaejoong has just ceased to exist (that he never existed at all?). Yoochun's heart pounds in his ears, desperate, until he finds the courage to open his eyes and sees Jaejoong, sitting in the desk chair, staring at photographs of distant cities on Yoochun's computer screen, until Jaejoong turns and says, "Good morning, sleepyhead," and smiles.Gah, that's done. My writing's a bit rusty though but bear with it yeah? I've been uselessly emo after I got home, and now that I think of it -- it's still very painful and bitter.Labels: DBSK, fanfiction, Jaechun, Jaejoong, Yoochun
surprise surprise at the SA
5:32 PM
Son of an idiot. Entah ko malas ku kan melayan; membari banci. I'm fucked up, you're fucked up. This is fucked up. How more fucked up can anything get?I've been stupid. Stupid, blind, oblivious and naive. God how I do not like myself.Any-ka-poots, I feel a tad bit guilty that I didn't really contributed much for the big event this afternoon. And I feel guilty that I didn't feel as guilty as I was supposed to -- I lost myself here. Damn.
We surprised yiz, you bitches whom I love. ON WITH THE PICTURES!!
But bear with me this won't be dial-up friendly. I promise. I might add some or edit some, so uh, yeah.
[So here will be the pictures that are PS-ed which will be done by... hopefully in 24 hours if I don't have school or need breaks.]
Sorry to disappoint yiz. HOWEVER I'm satisfied with this one little picture down there~

audition in less than 12 hours
Friday, November 23, 2007 11:12 PM
Oh, for the love of GOD I'm a nervous wreck. Grrrreeaaaaat.Yesterday Zimah brought me a semi-shocking news which brought me to Miss Yong who bore a bigger, more shocking news.My brain's gears stopped as if it rusted after years of excessive usage which is truly false in many mannyyy -- I'm spewing out crap because I'm nervous okay!Even hip thrusting, men in communal showers, shiny manflesh and many many skin touching can't take my mind off it. I am in deep shit, and I am fretting. A cool kid like me don't fret about things -- (gets bricked by BLODDERS) Fiiiine, I ain't no cool kid from the street who wears those nigga blingin' bling.I've practiced a bit but everytime I start I giggle, and it comes more worse when I get to say "sometimes God mixes up people." and that was barely half of the lines! Deep shit, I tell ya.But then Zati made me remember about Miss Yong when she said "if you are still interested", so I have the choice of going for the audition ot not. Seeing that I giggle now and then, I'm thinking of bailing out.Oh well.Oh fucking well.Oh, and I bought a new pair of glasses hours ago given that my incompatible specs is well, incompatible I thought I should ask mom to make a new one.Along the way we had lunch at Casbah and the food was so-so. Mom had Chicken Kebab with rice while I had Fish Kebab with rice, regardless of the different, uh, different something they tasted the same. Except that my plate was better than what mom had.So here I am wasting my half of my dayoff watching SKINS till episode 5 so far. Can't wait till episode 6! And good god I love Sid being oblivious and Cassie being her weird eating disorder cute way. So lovable.Hating Tony despite his good charming looks, hating Michelle for being a whore, Jal for being... Jal and Chris for being one fucked up irresponsible druggie. Haven't seen one of MAXXIE <3>
Very controversial the show. All the more reason why I should love it.
Aaaand I should be going. Need to practice not to laugh at every sentence I utter. It's insane I tell you. I'm insane!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007 7:31 PM
kepada saudaraku Muizzuddin Mush,semoga saudara panjang umur dan semoga -- uh, OKAY just those two lines took me around 8 minutes.Shit, I am such a failure. I still think some examiner mixed up my O level papers with some other's. It even took me a few long trial and errors just to correctly type up "dan" instead of "and". (No, I'm not talking about that Dan, I'm talking "and" dan. WTF.)So yeah brothah, you're eighteen now and you should eat more. EAT more, darn you skinny ass'd Maths geek. Daaaaaaarrrnnn you.HAPPY eight-belas BIRTHDAY MUSH~I'm laughing at myself quietly seeing how retarded the colours are. I am such a loser. But -- but I like it.Pushing that matter aside, this entry is wholly for Mush-eeehhhhh.I will post pictures here, once I find them yeah?
I made you gays paaale. I am in love with Photoshop
And the infamous Adidas shoes of the birthday boooyy
Oh my. Wrong picture. Sexy Sin is ruling the dirty floors of DL. Um, rawr?

Labels: birthday, Mush
Tuesday, November 20, 2007 8:51 PM
Yesterday was stressful. I was stressed out. STRESSED OUT. I mean when was I ever stressed out? Damn that "psycho bitch of a new Lit teacher who I will not mention in my blog to save it from being flamed and I will resort to changing my link and skin, and change my writing style to tHiS tYpE.How dare she? It's disrespectful that she took up our time for... for... gah. I shall keep my cool and collected composure which never was there and never had. WTF. As a result after class Anis and I kept on bitching and throwing tantrums. I for one, am a very violent person. So I punched the lights out of the guys. Okay, one guy. He's my punching bag. I'm glad he was there.Once after I jabbed him and knocked the wind out of his chest he - while in pain - remarked that the punch was better than the last one. I think -- I think I should be proud.The time before the darn ELit class started was so so awkward. However before that was more stressful as in that feeling when you missed the chance in spite the fact that you can have it.I missed the fucken chance! Eeeee!.....SLOWLY, WE AMASS.Remember the last entry about me spazzing about Mr Dan ohsowonderfulvoice? Apparently I have superpowers to manipulate people's minds. And apparently it got some of my lackies slaves coolies companions in life liking him.Zatty likes his voice too! And we're both stuck to Angel Eyes. We have our dignity and pride to take care, and I'm not saying we drool incessantly and shamelessly listen to it play after play for hours till whatever comes out are lyrics of Angel Eyes.But this entry is actually to show that I am not alone. According to grapevine Zatty is also a gay fan! Woohoo! She likes hot men kissing, and the idea of two hot guys sucking on each other's... face, ahem it comes to show that I am not alone.Zatty you are an awesome person, and I shall list you down in my AWESOME PEOPLE I WOULD DIE WITH list, which jogs my memory, I was to make an APPRECIATION entry about her.I wonder where that video went.Oh and cherry lollipops are... too gay for me to handle. Okay I lied. Too effeminated men is too gay for me to handle. But cherry lollies??
Monday, November 19, 2007 5:29 PM
When's the last time I've ever fell in love after hearing just a voice. How long has it been since I really fell in love. His voice really took me, his voice made me breathless, made me mezmerized.His voice when he sings really really made me melt.Haha I wanted to say more but I might end up sounding like an obssessed fan. I wanted to say something to continue but I'd end up sounding so cheesy. Haha.Oh dear god. A guy like him with that voice, he SHOULD have a fanclub. SHOULD. And he's Bruneian for god's sake. BRUUNEIAN.I'd want to listen to his songs but I can't seem to download them. Ceh.With that voice he soo deserves to be the winner of the ISB Battle of Bands thing. For best vocals. Fuuuh~ Dan King you awesome vocalist I am in love with your voice. Haaah.......Oh two more days Mush. TWo more days. Sabaa saja tah. You'll be 18 by then.
you owe me pain
Saturday, November 17, 2007 11:16 PM
Ahah. Cali Sin. Caliii.
It was cali when I was chased your back.
It was cali when you intimidated me to kick thy ass.
It was cali when I wanted to jab you.
It was cali when your hand happened to block my fingers.
And oheffing yes it's also cali when I hear some cracks on my bones when we collide.
And now it's super cali that two of my right fingers are immovable. And that my pinky has a bulge. A green ugly bulge, leaving my pinky finger paralysed for the whole two days. Shit.
This is one cali day. Thanks Sin. I can barely shampoo my hair without screaming once in a while, making the chinese neighbours think otherwise.
Hah. I'll bloody kick yer nuts till you can't reproduce any sons or daughters. You just wait.
Friday, November 16, 2007 1:35 PM
Um. A-ha?Er, hello.How many days has it been not blogging anything leaving this already crappy blog dead?So I have two QotD's left overdue so maybe I could use those as a peace offering for the many days of not blogging; that with two of my new macros which I know majority of you BLODDERS don't find very fascinating but heck."If you're born a girl,
you're born a handicap."
"Some of my little friends are not here.
But don't worry, I will take my revenge."
Haha. Say to me he is not a funny man. Haha. TRY. Try and I'll blow up every entrails of your body, you wish you didn't just said that. I love this man's humour. LOVE it.
There hasn't been much going on in exception of some that are too personal to talk about here. Oh that reminds me, if you read my twitter a few updates back there were references about vomit right? I've been spewing out reds and greens and water out of my guts the time I was really sick.
And it got me thinking whether fate really hates me and loves me to get sick before any big exams of any subject I really hate. Once it was IRK - years ago, and now it was Sociology. People had been saying to me that it must've been the stress.
But what they didn't know was that I don't stress myself out of anything. Or do I? What the hell. I have a bad memory. And a bad tainted mind. And a big fat bulging tummy. Also an appetite that wasn't how it used to be. All thanks to the vomitsickfevermorehurling thing.
I've been eating less and have a tendency to wanting to hurl it when it got too much. And by too much it's just half a plate of plain rice. Or less. What is wrong with my tummmyy.
Just when I was so close to surreptitiously defeat Zimah's brother's unbelivably mammoth-like appetite. He doesn't know that I was competing though. Hah. Call me a coward and I'll eat your head whole.
I was so close to beating him. SO CLOSE. And Zimah being witness to it. So close.
Nuffuva that.
I had another bowl of Tom Yam the next week and ever since that vomitsickfevermorehurling thing I barely finished half of it. I was depressed since then.
Yesterday Zimah, Dzar, Mush, Fakhri, Nuar, Sin and I went out the afternoon to go to KFC. The funny thing was the journey to go there.
Let's just say some of the drivers would remember me in school uniform, and it is proven that no car hood is a way of disgracing yourself once you pop out of it. And it is a way of making people remember you for a long long time, usually talked about in a party in a social group where they'd laugh at people's stupid antics.
KFC can never be not good unless they ruin the gravy on the mashed potato.
[pictures will be put here once I get my grubby small fingers on Dzar's camera. Haha and there'll be lots of picture of a car bonnet with a person inside it who I will not mention who. Haha.]
Then we strolled around the Mall and entertained ourselves around the candystall, contemplating which sugar-filled snack to get. Was gonna buy something sour when the auntie who was selling the candies said that the sourness is only on the outer shell.
In the end Fakhri made me buy the Tongue Splashers. [Yet again there'll be pictures of our tongue if there's one in Dzar's camera]
One last word, you and me be effingly hot goths. Chillax~ Shoot me for being a retard.
Well I gotta go chumps. Wanna watch the Jeckyll CDs that Dzar lent me. Heard it's OHMYFUCKEN good.
Labels: daily life, Maktab Duli, MD, need my blackhole appetite back
Saturday, November 10, 2007 2:56 PM
Oh my GOD.I are sorry I exaggerate.But MD's raya celebration was tonnes of fun. It really is. For me, maybe.I've come to realise that gentlemen are rare on earth and since I'm so kelasik I prefer men treat girls that way. But it's just too bad that those type of guys are so -- almost extinct.Iq and Dean helped me carry the huge 40X65 tray that had a big serving dish of noodles and two little ones of the spaghetti sauce. They were so nice to help me out - albeit how embarassing it was for us to carry a huge tray of huge serving dishes of food.Kinda felt a bit guilty and bad about it. They were supposedly busy doing whatever business they had, but stopped to help. I feel really really bad.I'm sorry Iq and Dean. FORGIVE ME!!!So as expected, no Chinese dudes came with a baju cara melayu. But wouldn't it be good if they actually wore one?Try imagining that.OH MY GOD! OVARIES, CONTROL YOUR SELVES!!! *___________* It's heaven I tell you. I swear it can be heaven on earth. Especially in PrettyBoy's case. Somewhere some place I would be scratching the walls in attempt to control this damned teenage hormones.Damn you adolescent progesterone.Um, back on track I was talking about gentleguys gentleMEN. Syai and Daus helped me out to carry the tray down to the dining hall. Such lovelies.And this is when the chaos begins.Apparently not many of the BE10's brought food or drinks or at least spoons and other utensils. Well if I'll be damned.Iskandar, this girl prefect and I were the only ones there to decorate BE10's table. I was bangang.Bangang + Hungry + somehow proclaimed as the "Decor Director" = oh shit. We are screwed.I mean, what SANE person would assign me as some DIRECTOR for some THING.So I was the "Decor Director" but I felt as if the weight of the whole universe was out on my shoulders. Freck. We did lack some many things, so we called Miss Suzi-something-whose-dad-has-the-same-name-as-my-dad to buy some things for us.We have a rockin' teacher, I tell ya. Sepoting lagi tu.In result of that I skipped Socio class, besides barely half of the class came.MD's raya celebration started at 10 and people were already swarming in the dining hall like hot...wild fire? The singings started, the speeches that none of the students even care to listen, the fruitless attempts of the prefects to shush them.BE12's table had a very sensual theme going on. I mean, rose petals strewn everywhere on the table, the chocolate coated strawberry, the candles, the perfume. They had it going on I tell ya. Everything screamed for sex. But I ain't complaining. Sex Sensual theme for a raya open house is one of the sneakiest first-rate tricks to win your way to success.To kill time, some of GDLs vained with my camera. Nasib jua inda pacah screen camera ah. But I felt so unwelcomed around the right corner of the dining hall - no, not by any reason of being pushed away or anything but, just something else.Zuhdi and his singing partner sang a duet, and their voices are *_____*Especially the girl's. ESPECIALLY THE GIRL'S.Then there was the traditional dance, with the two mentioned above singing. Guitar club entertaining with good music. I couldn't tear my eyes off someone. Hah.Then there was the Hadrah club. Oh my. I recorded a video of it and myohmy there was a guy - a cute one. And I've never seen him before. Like WTH? How could I not have seen a cute guy like HIM before?Oh geez, I swear -- I SWEAR BY GOD'S NAME THAT HE LOOKED LIKE SHIGE. Maybe that's why I was attracted to him.By the time the celebration ended, Fakhri, Nuar and I had an eating competition. And I felt proud. It was a two guy and ONE girl competition. OHOHO I won against them by one plate of cake. I had 7 and they had SIX.I am amazing, sometimes I feel like hugging myself. HAHA.The rest of the time was spent still in the dining hall competing with the hostellites playing guitar and howling malay song lyrics.Oh and I just knew that Nuar sings preetttyy good. And Azim(from Socio class) plays damn well fiiinne with a guitar. Like shiiiit.By the time we wanted to go up, Sin helped me carry the things. Hahaha. Yet again, I did not even ask him to help. Awww~ Baik baik lelakinya today. Makes me wonder if they owe me was goooooood.
oh, and pictures will be posted in another entry hopefully the enrty aftr this.
raya celebration~
Friday, November 9, 2007 7:08 PM
I'm fretting.Fretting whether the other BE mates would bring anything for tomorrow which doesn't include their freeloading stomach and their clothes. I worry too much.Yes, Zati's right. I worry too much. Snap out of it. (slaps self)Not only that I'm worried about, my head's spins more thinking about what colour to wear. Not that my closet has a wide range of colours. I'm worrying whether the food's gonna be too much for me to carry that I might drop all the noodles and sauce to the floor. Damn.Well at least it's not OCD.WHICH reminds me to empty out the pictures from my memory card and charge my camera's battery. I want need to record Zuhri and his singing partner singing. Heard they could make you not sleep for weeks.Okay I lied. I made that up. I just heard that they're good, is all. Really good.I've been pissy. I've been acting like a bitch. Because I've been hungry. Because I didn't eat breakfast nor lunch. Neither did I have my supper!This Friday I had been booked.I woke up early, showered, went out around 10, had an appointment, shopped for stuff, stuff and did stuff and more stuff.By the time we reached home was around 6 then I could eat.As I've mentioned before, I've been fretting about what colour to wear.During the intervals of blogging, Fakhri and the others somehow made my decision.I AM GOING TO WEAR ORANGE.
The only one in GDL wearing orange. And am not happy about that.Most of them're gonna wear green and since I have no good shade of green I have no choice but to go with orange.yay.Labels: anxious, Maktab Duli, mumbling incoherent words of doubtful thought, raya
in love with AnyBand
Thursday, November 8, 2007 9:58 PM
Right now I would love to post a hate entry about Sociology, but no. 'Cause people love the damn subject, and will write flames to me about their beloved subject.So no, no hate entries anymore. I've learnt my lesson to keep it as drafts or keep it password-protectd but since this is Blogger and not wordpress password-protected entries doesn't exist here not post any hate entries. Damn those times. Damn it and throw all the sorrowful memories down to the deep abyss of hell.So, an update about DBSK. Skip down if you're not interested in knowing about the fandom.*_______* AnyCall CF was uber awesommme! I -- I swear that godsent CF could make us fangirls go high for weeks!So you don't need your ovaries right?I MEAN, IT'S OKAY IF THEY EXPLODE.It was that good, I swear! Scout's honour!TPL (Talk, Play, Love) was -- I am too speechless to describe how much the awesomeness mixed with the hotness that is Junsu heavily dripped in every second possible! OH. MY. GOD. Koreans are just, just -- they're geniuses behind their masks of cute cat-like eyes of nerdiness!BoA was hot in there, Jin Bora was cute but Tablo... TABLO'S VOICE SCREAMS OHMYEFFINGGODIAMTEHSEXGOD!! His voice compliments a lot with Junsu's. And I cried watching it. Over, and over again. I love it that much.I am listening to TPL on repeat for the past 5 hours, and I am still marvelling the A;LDKSJFLGH-esque quality of it! Oh god, it gives me chills listening to it. CHILLS!!Junsu you are teh secks.END OF FANGIRLING.I had Sociology paper 1 this afternoon, and I came to school.Try debating against me that I am not a very very daft person. Try, and I'll win the case because I am daft. *headdesk*I mean I could've gotten more time to study at home, that way I could work up my way to collect more factual knowledge that what my already-flattened brain contains. I've wasted and threw away my chance to study during PS, EAS and Socio - and which the two classes were either cancelled or the teacher's off to invigilate - and barely read anything.Oh and mom accused me for not entering the AS. God that really hurts. It stings so much that I won't to engrave a spear through me instead of this feeling of mistrust. Ouch, woman. You're my mooooooomm for god's sake! My MOM.Random note to self : Practise on the card flinging throwing act thing. You totally suck at it. Get 'sin to re-teach you or sump'n.I'm not getting comments on this because I know this entry oozes lame boring from any angle. So I thought up something......Comment or I'll send this guy over your place and eat your nose.
Labels: AS exams, Brain not working well: A great time for randomness, contented, daily life, fangirling, Junsu
Monday, November 5, 2007 5:15 PM
Well well well. Did you miss me?
Of course you do. Why wouldn't you?
Fine, vomit on my carpet but I'm not the one who's gonna clean up the mess.
For the rest of the times I haven't been blogging, my mind had been set in constraint of allowing any happy happy joy joy thoughts. UNTIL someone fed me like a pig with McD. I feel halfly ashamed and halfly indebted and slightly parsimonious to have such friend. Dude you spoil me too much, I love ya from head to toe for treating me like a walletless baby.
Don't you just agree with me that this whole resurrection is too normal and too conventionally customary?
And it just clicked to me that I need to re-new my to-buy list.
First thing's first, I need to buy a new laptop, or a cool wireless keyboard 'cause mine now has saliva all over it from laughing so much.
You ask me why? Scroll down if you may.
So you see anything wrong up there?
I don't think I need to draw arrows or make a red box around the obvious, do I?
It doesn't matter if you don't slaver over these bunch of 13 guys who're made of snarky narcisstic remarks, Disney character petnamed, and lots and lots of skin touching.
Can you see what's so wrong?
Let's start with this one
I was looking at the Super Junior pictures when I noticed this around Yehsung's crotch.
Yehsung oh baby! You totally beat Lindsay Lohan out of her fire crotch name!
And the fact that he looked down and looked intrigued completely -- *____* Yehsung ILY! You are awesome! You can shoot out fire out your pants!!
...Is it just me or did that give you a whole new meaning to "holy burning bush" scene?

My oh my oh my.
Heechul's man boobs spit out fire too apparently... FLAMING TITS ATTACK!
Is there any English word that could be used to describe Ryeowook's expression? No.Therefore, ;ALSKSJKDJFJGH RYEOWOOK YOU CUTIE PIE I LOVE YOU TO BITS!!
So end of that.
Hyped up? Still alive? I know I barely did. Hence let me continue on with the real main purpose for this resurrection entry thingamajiggie.
So um, I woke up... with a stiff back. I -- uh, I lost my creativity streak. I fail.
Mornings are never exciting so I'll skip to the good parts of today.
Oh did I mention Maths was okay? For the first time in the seemingly incessant minutes hours days weeks months in Maths class, it's actually okay. And Mr Law was being improbably nice. NICE. NICE. Was it an apocalyptic sign or something? Or did he owe me something?
Ah, Elit. What words should begin to describe Elit class this afternoon. Let's just say that Anis and I were openly showing our undying affections towards eachother and mentioning sex once in a while in our conversation in front of Miss Tuty and the guys.
I mean who cares? Who can stop our irrepressible raging decadent lesbian love? HAHAHAHA. But however we divorced right there. 'Cause we found out that we cheated on each other.
The afternoon turned from high to awkward to normal then to plain weirdly exciting.
Oh and -- we watched a cat hunt its prey. A prey that was a moldy green lizard. It was fun watching the cat speeding off at neck-breaking pace.
But it was nauseous to see and hear the cat chewing the skull.
I was near nauseous.
Zee almost threw up on Fuad.
Fuad -- was being Fuad.
Mush stayed back. Probably clinging to the pillar in sheer fright.
Mims was somewhere at the back too. With Munir... who was being "mysterious and emo as if he knows all the dramatic irony, and his overused Time will tell".
Then nothing freaky happened after I went to McD with Zimah and had a worker there boring holes into us since we came. We didn't feel like we were stripped by his disgusting lusty eyes. Nope.
Another thing not freaky is that a bird swept through the car. I won't say more.
This is such a boring post. I am a complete fail.
Thursday, November 1, 2007 11:21 PM
Dudes, my avid or not readers, my fans my amigos...I L.O.V.E. y'all from the bottom of this corrupted heart for still coming here and hope for an update. But I'm sorry for bearing you bad news.I am feeling depressed, therefore I am emo.
Due to that - and since Anis told me not to post emo entries since it'll fluctuate the number of views - this blog will remain with this entry until I recover from this heavy emoness.
Oh and by the way, Anis(my LP), Fakhrul, Farhan(YDP) and Nazz, you people rock. I mean it. I love you gays and lesbians. I liked that Fakhrul is actually gay only to Farhan, but too bad he's taken, man.
And how amazingly lesbian we were being in that chat window.
To the ladies out there; Fakhrul is an awesome being who might be striding in Africa, hunting elephants, to find the vaccine for -- I will shut up now.
But my so-called LP left me. To have a scandalous affair with another guy. Kira sakit kai tu ah.
Good night;
let me dream of hot, manly homosexuals in a MANPILE on BED.
Labels: Brain not working well: A great time for randomness, hiatus, it's 2 am
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