you innards have a pleasant aftertaste.
I cried "corn beef" in a demonic voice in front of people I'd just met. If that tells you anything about me...
Other than that, the name is Nabilah Johari who goes by her days embarrassing friends with her shameless antics.
whenever I try to do any accents it ends up being a sort of jamaican-russian hybrid

There are so many things I want to fill up this entry but time restricts me so... huh.


Youtube finally bloody works! After those many days, it finally works! And I'm missing out a big piece out of the fandom - which is really really bad.

Moving on hopefully sans any heavy profanities...

Before registration was cramming Sociology into my head. Kekeke however it didn't work as I wanted to.

You have been warned that the empty spaces below are texted, just hidden. It contains a short hyper fangirling moment which'll last... less than 3 minutes. Yes, it's THAT short surprisingly. So highlight la if you want to see ah.

I'm sorry that this may be a bit too sudden but I can not resist fangirling right now. So for a minute please.



Ehem, sorry about that. I haven't had this spaztastic gay-fawning fangirling moment for... a long long while.

As pathetic as it may sound I feel proud of myself for the first time in... aaages. For a monthly test, I actually revised beforehand and had most points in. Damn I feel good. But then it shortlived, as always. During block 4 something happened but I could not seem to point my finger to it. Oh, I had a teeny tiny stomachache for eating too much despite the soto wasn't that much. Must've been the chilli as well as the mentah white noodles. Ceh. I pay one dollar ah and got bad food. Bad service they give lor. GAHAHAHA just so you know I'm not trying to insult any Chinglish-speaking people but I like talking like that.

In Maths class we studied rough planes something. Talking about Maths, Mr Singh finally called to confirm about the tuition. Sigh. There goes my late morning wake-ups.

Then chaos and hell broke.

A great majority of the students stuck behind the ADMIN block to see the AS and A levels results like little chips of metal in a magne field. In my point of view, 'twas creepy. Macam SHAUN OF THE ZOMBIES yawww. Everyone was frantic, panicking, moping, pouring tears out of sadness, happiness or... saja saja kan merasa. And some don't shed a tear sebab kan menahan rasa. Baie si Fakhri ah. Manly tah tu inda panicking, crying whatever ah.

Since then was chaos only less screaming and tears. Wanted to skip ELit MPR test but Miss Yong postponed it. Ceehh. But then since most of the class didn't turn up thus we did not get the question paper it'll postponed longer. Oh how I wish.

In the afternoon the stomachache had gotten worse but it got better when... when.... it just got better okay.

Oh geez, I am not being emotional right now. I am not. *whimpers* It's just that it's had been a long time since I've written a long update filled with the whole activities of one day. It's... a miracle.

Just so you know I have not checked my AS level results. Because I am super cool and I am a big wuss. But I'd rather see it as a rare extreme case of examrelatedphobia. Never in my life I look at my results DIRECTLY. Neither have I known any, in exception when my parents told me without warning.

I think -- I think Miss Zari's right. I have self esteem issues. She's trying to help me but I'm just pushing her away.

On a random note, I is to be jealouzzz. Not your results, never. Just some other topics. X)

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it's my camera, bitch.

Let me make this brief and simple.

To whoever that person that took my camera give it back to me. FUCKING GIVE IT BACK TO ME, BITCH.

Fine. I'll be more reasonable then. Dear SCOUNDREL, I would appreciate it very much if you return MY CAMERA THAT YOU EFFING STOLE and no one gets hurt. Comprende? If you still do not trust me not hurting you even the slightest bit you could just place the camera around DL then leave without a trace unless I get the principal to play back the CCTV to see the culprit and bloody break your neck. Happy? I know I'm not until my camera is safe and still intact with the pictures in the MEMORY CARD in my hands. My hands tainted by your blood.

So please be a good person and give it back. I promise I won't hurt you that much. I'm not wholly a violent monstrous sadistic bitch. (in que, readers snort.)

This is all for a friendly note to the thief. I'll be off now sharpening the axe I borrowed from the Fire Dept.

And I am trying as hard as I possibly can to be calm handling this, thus I used pink. Aren't I smart? (in que, readers snort, again.) Have I ever mention that I tend to bite people when I am piqued? So don't tase me, bro.


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Words from the street the main pipe at the Gadong-Tungku junction broke and now that four way junction near the Electric Dept water overflowed. After two days, AFTER TWO LONG PAINSTAKING DAYS... JKR finally found the leak.

We have been smelly. We have been stinky. And we are a whole lot of stenches and BO's. And I can not stand it anymore.

And my mom heard from the radio that it'll be like this for four days. Shit jua tu. So um, I know there're more I want to say here but... my mind is hazy. Because I'm full.

Random fact;

The granma looks weird with her spectacles while sitting down on the black couch with a munjung face. Eck, munjung sounds cute. For an old aged woman she is, it's pretty weird.

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kinky boots

We finally had our family time and I've already forgotten how to feel... um... happy? Oh bother. I'm being drama queen. Poo.

I bumped into this site and I love it. Nothing to fangirl 'cause there're no men involved. Poo.

As I speak, Waqii is trying to make me convince himself to be homosexual. With reason to "pandai beusai macam bini2". I can't seem to understand his state of mind, ever. Not even the slightest. It bothers me that I can't read him. So then I told him to withdraw all his money from his TAIB account, fly off to Taiwan and work there as a gigolo. 'Cause I know for a fact that he'll feel "beautiful". Waqi was one of my close friends. But now, rengang dah. And he's a screw loose. A cracked pot. A ding bat. He's known as "si Anti Climax" by our A Math tutor and the classmates. Puiiii.

DBSK has a new album coming out. And so far I like... Trick,and Kissしたまま、さよなら . I want to purchase that album but the fact that I'm a student kinda... lessens the chance.

More random rants;

I've been down. Sorry guys. Honestly I don't see any reason why I should be this depressed. Slightly okay jua tapi entah ah.

In my drafts there're tons of important-ish entries I need to post up. But my laziness just wins from time to time. Like the people I owe, their changes but then... screw it. It's a bit too late for that.

Recently I'm in a iconmaking mood. But it shortlived. Oh poo. But but... at least I showed it to one person and she liked them. And the ferriswheel one. I might post that up nanti. But then I use it as my DP. All three versions, so my MSN contacts could look it up. Haha my vocab's so phat.

And apparently Waqii's Cikgu Haji Razak's son. Have I ever mentioned how small the world we live in? Specifically Brunei. Poo.

And notice I kept on repeating "Poo"? Lookie lookie down down.



Dancing doesn't make a man gay, Waqi.


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Dear diary

Right now I am about to tell you the most important entry ever.

NJ came to college. And it was by far the most happiest moment of my life. It'll forever be burnt in my mind.

- Si Nab wah asteeee

A;SLDKFJGHV -- NJ came to MD. Clad in a white singlet and as far as my blurry memory can recall, he had a beanie and pantsless -- I mean, UNPANTSLESS! A;ALDLDJKDHJGDJVNVJDJD NJNJNNJNJNJNNNJNJNJNJNJNJNJJJJ!

I would've written more, something alike Syubu said but naaah. NJ~

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why did I do this

Breaking news.

Blondie has finally left the building. Apparently one of her students who was in the nick of time to witness the abrupt paroxysm was awe strucked and now suffering from an unknown psychological disorder whereby the sufferer have a deep-seated fear of wells, nightgowns and pretty much blonde women. To this time the sole victim leaps from tables to tables whenever she glimpsed her reflection in a nightgown in TV. Despite the unrelated symptoms Blondie's student is not in tip top condition.

According to another student Blondie had snapped, slammed her books and strutted to her staffroom - which was fortunately next door as she would've have to sway that livid curvavious bum of hers to another building - and "gave her students the whole period to think about it". However they never did, and shrugged it off from their shoulders like dust.

On a another news,

Out of the many prefects of various departments participated for being emcee, four has been chosen. A pair of girls and boys. Congratulations to Dayangku Nurul Izzati Hazimah binti Pengiran Hajo Abdul Rahman, ...Rusydi, Siti Haneesa binti Othman and... Zuhdi. The first pair(si Zimah ne and Rusydi) are now assigned to be emcee for all working hours whilst the other pair are assigned to emcee for Thursday's talk.

Bigger news is that, by tomorrow Zimah and I will be killed - to be a bit detailed; blinded by hot white charcoals, skinned alive, stared down ferociously and on a high chance electricuted - by our lovely LOVELY tame not-always pissy Miss Zari because she loves us.

And we "skipped" her class for a talk on a university offering new courses. Conversely the courses are mostly related to the Syariah law and um, other Islamic knowledges.

So dear readers if I'm not blogging by three days you'll know that I'll be dead. Zimah too. Stared down ferociously to death. It's possible.


Now let me sob my eyes out in a mix of heartbreak and paralyzed fear.

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lucky people get to see NJ. curses.

To them people who will be attending the...

Maktab Duli's Gala Night 2008 : A Midsummer Night's Dream

I hope you have your fun there. Darn you lucky people gettting to see NJ. ENN JAY!

A;SLDKFJGL;J, mate. He has a dreamy R&B voice who'd easily sweep your feet off even if he swears at your face WITH HIS HEAVENLY GODSENT VOICE. He is just that good.

Bah, kamu. Since I've been clearly inferring about NJ this and NJ that, paham2 lah sikit.

Take lots and lots of pictures of him. HEAD TO TOE. EVERY MINUTE MOVEMENT. Yes, by that I mean I want stalker pictures of him. It'd be nice if you include a video. X] I'm just sayin'. All in all I hope tonight'll be a blast fer yiz.

Pictures. Take lots of pictures. It's really unfair not sharing the fun. At least just some visual evidence is good enough.

Have a Romantic & Enchanted Night, ladies. Captivate your partners(if you have one).
Catch thy falling star at the Midsummer Night's Dream Gala Event.

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Kiddies I am not a pedophile

I am the least satisfied with the layout. Curse you black monstrosity that is slung adjacent to the entries! Mengacau iihh. Kan re-membaca(haha wtf) my fic pun ada cut off. Chit chiiit. So as a consequence I'll find other pretty layouts at blogskins[dot]com.

As we I speak type Zatty and I are fantasising about a boy. Yes a boy and yes my pedophillic mode is at its peak and no I am not a pedophile., I swear. I PROMISE. I SWEAR TO GOD I AM COMPLETELY NORMAL!!

[me compulsively breathing heavily against the laptop screen with a MOTION PICTURE of Alex with his pretty perfect cute smile with even straight teeth]

If only I was 13. What I would give. WHAT I WOULD GIVE.

I would've made frame-to-frame screencaps but I'm not inclined to attest my morality.

Alex is the cutest thing ever I want to gnaw on his pretty sweet smelling feet and nibble on his pretty even aligned teeth. They are my new precious!!

What I would give. What I would give. To touch his body. His physique. His premature near to non existent abs. I love him. And Zatty. But I love Alex more. My sexuality, don't you question.


Haha I was totally sidetracked. Thank you Zatty~ And I'll be more than glad to change my sexual preference for you.

The raison d'être is a bit short, making it seem inane.

At any rate my mom, aunt and I went to see the HuaHo Petani Mall at Tutong after going back from Labi. It was huge. It was spacious. It was colourful. And it was located at where no one can possibly pinpoint. Just what the hell Mr HuaHo? But then it must be one of his strategic plans. Why bother.

Then there was this place next door. Attractive men with fine bodice was all over the place. Besepah waaah macam zoo untuk jejaka um... hensem. Yeah, my standard malay sucks.

And they had one thing in common(other than the fact they're gorjaaassssss) they work for the same person. Or company. Whichever.

The man behind all this must be one intelligent guy. To think of a better way to attract customers along the line questioning the male species' sexuality and housewives' fidelity.

Okay that was all.

Oh as recompense for leaving the blog dead for a;alsksfkg days I want to share with you the cuteness I want to glomp him Alex!

BUMBLE BEE - where Alex is tons of cute omgeeee in the red shirt

BESTFRIENDS - *whimper* I'd give anything to be Roy -- or the beige hat thing. ALEX'S HAAIIRR. OMG ALEX'S BODYY. AND NIPPLE. ILY ALEX *shoots herself dead*

BREAKING NEWS - Boy, you are too young to touch yourself but please touch yourself moaarr

DAM DADI DO - his every spontaneous dance moves are -- awe-inspiring. OMG SOMEONE CALL THE HAIR CONTROL. ROI'S HAIR IS HAVING A FIT!

TARZAN AND JANE - fxck. Alex in a tank top. All you can hear from now is my heavy breathing and wheezing. Alex you adorkable piece of perfection!! He IS the jungleman.

Ladies and gents, Alex and Roi of Wassabi Productions. Alex, my new love.


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[ONESHOT] It's the game we choose to play

I will never feel the same. I will never ever be able to let go.

Pairing : Kim Jaejoong and Jung Yunho (Jaeho)
Length : One-shot
Summary : How could someone yearn for such a dramatic illusion? Taking in everything that life had thrown towards him, typical Grade-A student, Kim Jaejoong, found himself facing the greatest hurdle yet.

“Asshole.” Kim Jaejoong muttered under his breath as he picked up the pieces of paper that had fallen onto the dirty cement floor. He frowned as he adjusted his heavily framed spectacles, smiling as he saw that his assignments were still usable.

A screech could be heard from his left as he turned around to see his best friend taking up the next seat to him. “Don’t you think it’s just too tiring to be doing that every single day?” Park Yoochun muttered as he faced his friend, resting his head on his palm as he frowned.

“I would feel better this way.” Jae shrugged as he sat back on his chair once again.

“Being nerdy didn’t seem to be doing you any good.”

“Don’t bother.” Jae rolled his eyes. “I’m fine with the way I am right now.”

Yoochun’s eyes hardened as he heard the resignation tone in Jae’s voice. “Students that fell in love with you shouldn’t be your burden to carry. They made it hard for you anyway when you rejected them in the end. Do you like it? Having to see your things being thrown on the floor each day just because you said ‘no’?”

“No, of course I don’t but it makes them feel better about it.” Jae smiled.


Jae loved nothing more than to walk down the school garden; to make sure that every single plant was in place. But due to some obvious reasons, he couldn’t do just that. Sitting down on the grass, under the huge Angsana tree, he looked at his heavily bandaged leg.

He remembered how furious Yoochun had looked the day before. It was an accident, Jae rebutted silently. A student, one of his usual admirers, had confessed to him in the middle of the cafeteria, with everybody else looking. Jae couldn’t bear to hurt the boy but he couldn’t say yes either.

The torn expression on his face was enough to give the boy an answer. Jae didn’t know that the boy would push him. He sure didn’t know that he would fell right on his butt, twisting his left ankle on the way.

Everybody gasped but not Yoochun.

The next moment, Jae saw a flash of white (Yoochun’s jacket) and found the boy falling down on the floor beside him. Without uttering much, his best friend grabbed his hands and pulled him up slowly. And he found himself in the school infirmary a few minutes later, with the school nurse tending to his injury.

It was just an accident, an event that no one would ever want to find themselves in. Leaning against the trunk of the tree, he looked up, seeing the green leaves swaying with the wind. Smiling foolishly to himself, he closed his eyes, feeling content.


Poke. Poke.


“Stop it, Yoochun!” Jae barked as he opened up his eyes, frowning. But the frown quickly changed into an apologetic look as he realized that the man beside him was not his best friend at all. “I’m sorry.”

“What for?” The stranger replied as he winked. “I’m the one who was poking you on your injured ankle.”


“So, yesterday was quite a show, huh?”

Something stilled inside of him when Jae heard the sentence from the other man. “It’s not a show.”

“If you say so.” The man replied, shrugging his shoulders, not at all being intimidated by Jae’s cold voice.

“Who are you? I have never seen you before.”

The other man could only smile before standing up slowly, Jae’s eyes followed his every move, frowning once again. “Yunho. Jung Yunho, nice to meet you.” He winked but didn’t reach out a hand for Jae to shake. “And don’t worry, we will be meeting each other a whole lot more that you will get uneasy should I disappear one day. Good day, Kim Jaejoong, it’s been a good day.” _____________________________________________________________________

Jae didn’t think much of the meeting of course. Who could be so weird as to say something like that? Even when the other man had left him alone in the garden, his face was still flustered, his heart somehow beating faster.

But it’s stupid; he chided himself as he locked the door to his shared hostel room with Yoochun. He was not interested in committing himself to any relationship right now, especially with someone that could be as weird as that. Jae had wanted to ask his best friend about Yunho back last night but he found out that the room was empty. Yoochun must be out partying with Junsu again.

Jae shook his head as he though of the two men. They should just stop threading around each other already. Being a watcher was a tiring 24/7 job and to see the two men trying to get the other person jealous was ridiculous. They should just have confessed to each other and be together. That would be a good happy ending for the both of them.

Clutching his bag on his right hand, he walked down the road, walking towards his school as he contented himself with the amazing view around him. The sun was shining brightly today as he smiled foolishly to himself.

“Another good morning, I see.”

Jae didn’t need to turn around to know who it was but he didn’t need to stop either to acknowledge the owner of the voice. Walking a little bit quicker but hopefully not noticeable, Jae kept his focus in front of him.

“Ignoring me, I see.”

The sentence made him stopped in his tracks. Jae could only turn around, watching the man from yesterday standing in front of him, smirking. “I’m not ignoring you. I’m just not acknowledging you.”

“Wow. That’s another way to put it.” Yunho replied, smiling now as he put his left arm around Jae’s shoulders, forcing him to turn around once again before continuing the walk down the road.

“You might think that I’m feeling uncomfortable around you.” Jae started after a few minutes of walking in silence. It was a puzzle how the other man’s arm had moved down to snake around his waist. “I am.” Jae replied bluntly.

“Ouch.” Yunho replied, putting his free right hand over his chest, pretending to be hurt. “I’m honoured to be the one making you feel uncomfortable.” He winked before pulling Jae closer towards him. “And I know your weakness, Kim Jaejoong.” Yunho leaned in, whispering into the other man’s ear.


“You always find it hard to see no, don’t you? That’s the reason why you are not punching me right on the face the moment I put my arms around you.”

Kim Jaejoong was a man that respected a person’s privacy. He was also the type of guy that would never ever force someone to talk about something he or she wouldn’t want to. And that included a certain Jung Yunho.

He was everywhere, Jae thought silently. It was as though the other man had replaced Yoochun’s place in being his best friend. They went everywhere together, even the darn school’s toilet.

Yunho was right, damn it! He couldn’t imagine himself snapping at the other man to leave him alone. He would never do that and because of that, he couldn’t very well get out of Yunho’s grasp.

Well, not that he had wanted to.

“You are frowning.”

The soft question forced Jae to tear his attention away from his theory book to take a look at the other man beside. Something struck Jae’s attention as he saw how nonchalant the other man was. “Why are you not studying?”


“Exams are coming in a month. Everyone is busy, getting ready to start their revision.”

“Yoochun didn’t.”

Jae frowned at the mention of his roommate who was currently bunking in with Kim Junsu. “Yes but at least he attended the lectures and classes. You didn’t.”


“So you should be studying harder than the rest of us. Not sitting under the tree, goofing off, wasting your time like this.”

Yunho remained silent, not replying as he closed his eyelids slowly. Jae frowned, feeling uneasy all of the sudden. “You know, sometimes, a thing could consume our life and we wouldn’t even know it. And you keep on going, day after day, striving to be the best. But when you finally reach the top, you had found out that you had just lost to life.”

“What are you saying?” Jae whispered.

Jung Yunho was a chameleon, Jae thought silently as the other man opened his eyes quickly ands smiled like a fool he always was. “I’m just saying, studying too hard could make you go crazy.”


“Oh well, I’m already crazy anyway.”

Jae could only turn back to his book, not really reading. “We could be crazy together.”

And Yunho’s mouth curved into a tiny smile.

Jae didn’t blink.

His orbs were starting to tear but still, he refused to even take a tiny blink. The class was silent behind him. He could feel pairs of eyes burning through his back but still, he didn’t move.

“Mr. Kim, you are going for detention this afternoon.”

Jae looked at his homeroom teacher, Alexander, as his hands balling into a tight fist. “I have done it. It’s just that I had forgotten to bring it to school.”

Alexander could only shake his head sadly as he saw what used to be the top student in the class. “You had said that yesterday and the day before. It’s been a week; you can’t keep going on the same lie forever.”

“I’m not lying.”

“Look at yourself!” Alexander’s voice boomed as it echoed in the almost-silent classroom. “You used to be at the top of the class but now, it’s a different matter altogether. I won’t even bother to mention about your grades! Is being late your style now?”

“The bus is late.”

“3 o’clock. Detention, no arguments.”

“I won’t go.”

Alexander froze as he stared into his student’s eyes, seeing the defiance raging in those orbs. “What had happened to you, Jae? You didn’t use to become like this. I thought that I would never have to be worried about you.”

“That’s not your problem.”

“You are my student.”

“Fuck that.”

Soft gasps could be heard throughout the classroom as the teacher’s eyes hardened. “What did you just say?”

“Fuck off. I’m leaving. I had enough of school anyway.”

“How could a guy who always seems to be following the rules suddenly becomes a guy who could be so defiant?”

Jae didn’t need to look up to know that it was Yunho. Eyes still focused on the book on his lap, his vision began to blur as he stared deep at that one spot on the yellowed page. Choking back a sob, his hand flipped the page to the next one.

“You are trembling.” Yunho whispered as his hand closed around the other man hand, their hands lay in the middle of the page, resting softly on top of each other. Jae slowly turned his hand around so that their fingers could intertwine.

“Things change, you know.” Jae replied as his eyes bored on the linked hands. “One moment I’m at the top of the game and the next, I’m being pushed to the ground.”

“I heard about your parent’s divorce. I-”

“I had expected it.” Jae interrupted. “One way or another, there would be a time when even the harshest of words couldn’t win a fight. I’m happy for my parents, you know. Happy that they could now be freed of the other’s grasp, they don’t fit well, I know that. My sisters do too. They didn’t want to admit it at first, wanting to hold on to something that’s not theirs.”

“Everyone should have a chance to hope.”

“And not every hope could be turned into a new day. They paid the price for all these years of fighting and screaming. But I’m stuck.” Yunho could see the other man’s lips trembled. “They won’t let me go. Up until now, they still won’t let me go.”

“I think you are old enough to decide who you would want to live with.”

Jae looked up, smiling wistfully. “And tell me, how could a son ever choose his father or mother?”

It was eight in the morning when he heard noises in the living room. Rubbing his sleepy eyes as his feet touched the cold floor; he took slow and steady steps towards the largest space of the apartment.

“Nuna?” Jae whispered softly as he saw his oldest sister sitting on the couch, smoking her usual brand of cigarette. “What are you doing here?”

“Well, I want to check on my bratty brother.” Hye Jin replied as she patted the empty seat beside her as Jae moved to sit on the space mentioned. “You are not doing well in school.”

Jae snorted, not at all surprised. “My homeroom teacher called you?”


The sudden voice stopped the smirk on Jae’s face as he muttered a soft apology. “I have nothing against Alexander.”

“You better not; I’m getting married to him in a month. And it’s not him who had called me.”

“Huh?” Jae looked up, confused.

“Yunho. Jung Yunho. I didn’t know that you had found yourself another best friend.”

He found me, Jae thought silently.


The fallen leaves were on the ground, making sounds with every step that Jae was taking. His hand was holding a familiar black book with exactly 323 pages of English’s Shakespeare translated into Hangul. Sitting down on his usual spot, he put the old book on his lap.

Waiting, he was waiting for someone.


Jae frowned, his heart screaming in frustration as he turned around, seeing Yoochun taking the empty space beside him. “What are you doing here?” Jae asked bluntly, not bothering whether he had offended the younger man or not.

“Ouch, that really hurts, Jae-ah.” Yoochun muttered as he threw a small punch onto Jae’s left arm. “I can’t see my best friend now? How long had it been since you had moved from the school hostel to your mom’s place?”

“Six months.”

“You had beaten the whole state, what a surprise.” Yoochun replied sarcastically.

“I have been gone far too long, I guessed. I’m sorry, for not mentioning it to you personally. You are too wrapped up with Junsu to even bother where I was.”

“Jeez, thanks for the insult.”

“Listen, I come back to look for someone.”

“Oh great. Now I’m really hurt.” Yoochun pouted, his eyes darkened when he realized that the other man wasn’t looking for him at all.

“Hey, don’t be a baby, alright?” Jae rolled his eyes. “Where’s Jung Yunho? Did he passed the exams?”

Yoochun frowned as his mind searched for face to match the name that Jae had just spoken. “Jung Yunho? I have never heard of him before.”

“Very funny.” Jae threw a punch back. But when he saw the puzzled look on Yoochun’s face, his irritation gave way to confusion. “He’s the guy that always had the knack to stick with me. We were always together, remember?”

“Jae-ah…” Yoochun was hesitant, as though afraid of saying something in his mind. “You became rebellious the moment your parents are going through a divorce. You always came to school late, started to smoke, missed out on lessons and didn’t even bother to hand in your homework.”

“Was I that bad?”

“That’s not the worse of it.” Yoochun whispered. “You were always talking to empty air, as though there was someone beside you when it was obvious that there wasn’t anyone there. The school was alerted you know but your sister refused to send you for treatment. She said that you were going to leave soon anyway.

“Is this a joke? Because if it is, then it’s not really funny.”

“It’s not, Jae. It’s not. You were always spending most of your time under this tree, reading that old book on your lap. It was a normal view from my point of view, back at the classroom but then I saw your mouth opened as you turned around, smiling into the empty air beside you.”


“I wanted to help, fuck, I should have but Junsu was so scared for me that he refused to let me out of his sight. But I never fail to follow you to school every single day and right at the moment when you were at the main road, you will stop for a while before smiling. And you began talking as though there was someone beside you when in reality, there was no one at all.”

“That couldn’t be. He’s real.”

“You looked happy.” Yoochun replied as he stared out at the school backyard’s garden. “Maybe that’s the only reason why I didn’t confront you even when I was tempted to. You have never looked so happy, as though you were with someone that you loved. And I decided that it’s better that way, to leave you alone and just keep on protecting you from afar. You are my best friend, Jae-ah, you always are. I couldn’t stand seeing you hurt.”

“I know.”

Jae’s hands trembled as Yoochun passed him what seemed to be an old piece of newspaper. Yoochun prodded him to take a look at it as he realized that it was last year news.

December 17th, 2006

A high school student of Kim Yeok High had met with a fatal car accident at 3.30pm on Mkei Jin Main Road. Jung Yunho, son of the infamous poetry writer, Jung Huanwee, was pronounced dead when….

Jae couldn’t bear to continue reading on as his eyes gazed down to the small familiar picture of the boy that he used to know. The boy that had brought a tremendous amount of sunshine in his life.

“I-I…I have been talking to a ghost?” Jae whispered weakly as the piece of newspaper fell to the ground.

And Yoochun didn’t know what to answer to that.


First of all, this is a one-shot and would remain as a oneshot; no sequel is intended to be written at all. So I take this chance to clarify.

How Yunho could call Jae's sister?

- Well I have two ways to say this. Firstly, call. Technically it's impossible but I don't know. I mean if ghost really exist in real world then it's quite possible that they could call... right? Second, mind to mind. Letting his sister know(maybe in a dream) of Jae's problem and making her think that it was a phonecall.

Well there are other ways - though impossible - but hey it's just another fanfiction.


Comments will be loved.

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Haaaaaaaah. It's 2008. And it's 5 19 AM, and still awake!

Planning to watch the first sunrise so I stayed up. As we speak I'm chatting with Fakhri and Munir. Also webcamming with the former. We are boooorreed. He's doing his homework, I'm bored to the skull waiting for 5 ++ AM.

But god dammit, he's changed my mind. Watching the sunrise isn't really a big deal. It's not like anyone would care. Aggghhhh. So I don't think I will. Besides I have plenty more time to watch the sunrise. Plus why this year when I know this year will suck eggs.

tally ho. Gonna chat more with those two.

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