I appreciate it that you still cooperate in the end but I would appreciate it better if you fuggin' put, at least, a tug on that crooked lips of yours. You treat your clients like shit, and throwing all the blames on us. You little witch! Just because you're quite an expert and you say you're "packed and busy" does not give you the fucking right to be bossy and bitchy on us. You work with a fucking smile on your fugly face, bitch.
Oh, and thanks for the tightening em up.
Mezz just shared another interesting story with me, and I promise you I will ROLL ON THE FLOOR LAUGHING MY ASS OFF when I see him, and I will not give a damn of staring passers-by. MWAHAHHA.
Zati went a tad screw loose and I like it. "Why's it so hot? Oh because you so hot bebeh" Then I touch your hand and seduce you with wiggling my eyebrows. And oh how you caved to my seduction, touching my hand in response. I turned and laughed because I am so awesome in seducing my own "son". Oh son, let not this forbidden love become a barrier between us. =3= HAHAHAHAH dude, I like you. A lot.
I never regretted having you in front of me, controlling your limbs and arms like my own robot toy. Ahh that was when we were in Primary 4 Blue. You sexy thang, you seduced me with your boo-tee-pool drawings. Since then on I bullied you and we became closer.
Four years later, you've shown the light. Shown me true happiness. You introduced me to shonenai. Oh oh oh how my heart beats for you so fast. HAHAHH dude you made me read a 18+ rated SasuNaru fic, I love you. I even had the name of the fic written in my secret book of sekreett, aka the HSBC diary 2006 book. hahaha ahh memories.
Ehh uh.. sidetracked.
Man this is one ugly post. Nada lagi pictures to "prettify" it.
And I just realised during the ten or so years of our friendship and our secret incestuous relationship between father and son, we never really took pictures together. ada pulang satu tapi... kami dua2 bida hahaha. I lap you, ho. You were the only person who knew me, the person who can actually cheer me up without me asking for it, the one I actually trust, my true gay gushing bud, my mentor.
There's no special occasion. It's not even your birthday. Bukan jua anniversary tani but I just felt like wanting to show everyone how much you mean to me, ho. Never once did I think someone like you would forever be in me my life.
Hm.. I have a feeling that you will do something unexpected but I expect jua.
Prediction A - you respond in a gay way too, making kissy faces to me so that I could smack your face with my clammy palms.
Prediction B - you smack me "virtually" via msn. And back in school, you'd stare at me with the ludicrous face ever and make "granny" curious of what I did. Then shrug it off and talk about gays more and songs and Big Bang anf Tae Young and how it's evident there's something going between Harvey Dent and Batman, Batman and Joker. The stares from Harvey to Batman, and Bruce to Harvey. Hmmm... SIDETRACKED AGAIN.
ani masa di London in our apartment room. Despite that time was summer masih ada jua snow. Apanah kami buat? Menyakai lah - apalagi urang di kiri ah(not me). I think she took around twentysomething pictures of the snow hitting her face and her camera. She doesnt care! Pasal ia sakai.
Technorati ProfileLabels: pictures
Hi. This is Zhou Mi.
And just because Zhou Mi has the Joker's smile like Siwon.

Not mine. All snagged without permission from Laharwine. Good day!
You know what, two days ago I had a long birthday post for Fakhri but as my laptop dies, the document was not saved or even traceable. May I hear a GODDAMN? So I couldn't give a care about re-writing it because it was written while I was half drowsy from sleep.Therein this is a belated birthday post and I'm grumpy because I couldn't remember a thing of what was written, and this might sound insincere but what the heck.HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY FAKHRI. Happy belated EIGHTEENTH birthday at that.You can act like an insufferable bitch but we know you're a nice warm-hearted person actually. And that you actually have a heart to care of -- uh, eff it. Ha. Ha. Heyyyy hahaa;sghsdlkgsgOh, and another belated birthday greeting to Miss Joanna Kwan who was one of the cikgu yang menjaga(screw english right now because I am so pissed at myself for not thinking up of the right word of that malay thing khdfsgkg ugh and it's hot in here)Another belated to Yoochun my woobie. And I'm like, what, more than a month late. Psscchh what a fan I turn out to be.P.SThere were suppose to be pictures of Fakhri with his short-legged neon pink that threatens to burn your eyes any second under the sun, which was dubbed "Pinky" by Fakhri's mom... but I'm too kusut to up the pictures.Labels: belated greeting, birthday
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