you innards have a pleasant aftertaste.
I cried "corn beef" in a demonic voice in front of people I'd just met. If that tells you anything about me...
Other than that, the name is Nabilah Johari who goes by her days embarrassing friends with her shameless antics.
Your heart is empty, empty, empty-y-y-y

Aaand I'm back! Again.

So I'd just like to preface this entry by beginning with my philosophy, because I think the reason people are so uncomfortable about the idea of unconditional love is because we grow up expecting this from the world, but the truth is that the love the world offers is full of conditions. We keep running around asking do you love me? and the world says, yes, I love you if you're pretty or yes, I love you if you're well-educated or yes, I love you if you're fucking rich and wild.

Yes, it is about that glorified L word.

When someone comes along and says I love you we keep waiting on the "if" and when it never comes, we back off, confused as hell because there are no conditions. People can't stand the thought of a love bigger than what the world has told them to believe in, so they turn on their heels and run away.

And then? you may ask. That's it. My genius has run its course for tonight.

All deep love-related philosophy aside, tonight I actually have a dinner to go to and since I still live with my parents, they get to decide whether I could go or not and painfully obviously I'm stuck at home. Ngh. I was really looking forward to Shabu-Shabu.

(I wish I knew how to make food other than appetizers. I whoop asses in soup-making.)

Okay, my blogging skillzz is rusty considering more than five times I've been stuck writing the next paragraphs, and what with tweeting on Twitter ever since the last entry I'm so used to think in 140 characters. To start slow, my muses in a nutshell:

  • You have to be careful with what you wish for.
  • Life events have become slightly colourful ever since I enrolled in MIC. Among other things, I've learnt that the excuse of being naive (feigned naivety and a touch of elusive) will only work for so long. Heh.
  • It would be nice if my arms tighten with lean muscles like it used to.
  • I am still contemplating, in all seriousness, whether to buy this self-help book: "How To Get Along With People". I'm still weighing the pros and cons.
  • My condolences goes to you and your family. Al-fatihah.

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