At no point of my life had I been chirpy about meeting new people, intended or by chance. New people would result to having to open up and opening up really takes up bodily energy. I am not fond of pleasing one, wearing a mask to hide your true self from a new stranger. To please them. To please their eyes and ears. Pleasing with another thin layer of skin of fake smiles, empty laughter, meaningless conversations, a whole attitude that was never labeled your own. It's disgusting.
I want to live an honest life. Where I wouldn't have to be obliged to smile or laugh. Living free in sync of my heart and soul. We have as much rights as any person has and politeness is a conspiracy.
But our selfish nature would not be human if we aren't hypocritical. There's always a situation, a catalyst or a person where these do not apply. A clay model with limbs within ourselves sensitive to other more-than-soft-clay beings they call special, a heart so soft and vulnerable any more-than-soft-clay people could crush, mold and steal easily and so heartbreakingly. Heart, soul, body. These things would suffer less if the heart is stone.
That would be a wish too far fetched but a wish to read minds wouldn't be so hard. I want to live an honest life but I do sometimes wish to be a manipulative conniving sneaky jack.
In the end none of this ever matters or makes sense. I'm just a plaything. I'm only talking to thin air. I'm only just not the right material.
Labels: getting my evanescence on
I like cats too. Let's change recipes.
Hey! You! Do you like Thai music?
Bodyslam is one of my favorite Thai bands because their videos are completely incomprehensible. Apocalyptic futures, singing animals, travels down the bloodstream, underwater CGI, people made out of clouds... ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. By the time the ocean sprouts a giant eye, you're not even surprised.
The beautiful bromance between a blue squirrel and a green buck-toothed guitar-playing rabbit. Absurd? Absurdly ADORABLE.
I WASN'T KIDDING ABOUT THE TRIP DOWN AN ARTERY. Then the lead singer rides an airport luggage belt and de-ages into a baby... then he disintegrates a plane with the power of his mind... I DON'T EVEN KNOW.
A revolt against the police by a bunch of people made out of clouds. Then the girl starts flying and explodes into birds. Yes, into birds.
This one is actually pretty normal, by which I mean they only hallucinate once or twice. Have I mentioned how much I love this band? Because I really, really do.
LOLOL the things you find by accident.
Have you ever typed shit in Google just to see what searches are suggested?
Labels: this awesome is for your own good, you will be assimilated
WHO ELSE WATCHED THE LOST PREMIERE? My reaction was pretty much one prolonged scream, sometimes orgasmic, sometimes in denial. I don't know how you people did this for five seasons, I'm already going crazy.
I swear, the only thing better than watching LOST is watching other people watch LOST.
(Sawyer never learns the value of a shirt. It's wonderful.)Labels: exciting adventures of a deserted island
I left this blog to dust didn't I.
There is a reason as to why Twitter is a mini-blog in theory, and without you realising you've become attached to "tweeting" instead of blogging. Secondly I recycle pieces of paper with my ramblings -- when it gets too long I find myself writing on my diary planner.. which is totally an awesome thing and is not a diary, but a planner. SWEAR.
Imma take this chance to congratulate my homie - Zee Rahman - on her flying colours! Yowza!
My cousin called on a Monday afternoon and said, "Hello, you have half an hour to make yourself presentable to me before I come and drag you and my annoyingly indecisive younger brother to the movies. Do not attempt to resist. Afterwards, when your ribcage is bruised from the aforementioned brother's insistent pokes in an obvious attempt at assassination, I will take great delight in forcing you to accompany us to Melda's and making wayward comments concerning your health and weight because I am convinced you have an eating disorder. You will try to sway me with your fancy words, your claims that you have already consumed a meal prior to my spontaneous arrival, but I know better! I know the truth! Eat a fucking brownie, child!"
She doesn't know what she's talking about, I mean, c'mon, I eat like I have a blackhole for a stomach.
That was a good segue right? :>
Oh cool, I've just been retweeted thrice! What a day. Yes, my friends, what a mundane dull braincell-reducing life I lead. Next post I will be updating you with my misadventures in ITB! Or better, a failed match against a newbie in squash!
Labels: dedicated to Anis haha
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