I cried "corn beef" in a demonic voice in front of people I'd just met. If that tells you anything about me...
Other than that, the name is Nabilah Johari who goes by her days embarrassing friends with her shameless antics.
I cried "corn beef" in a demonic voice in front of people I'd just met. If that tells you anything about me...
Other than that, the name is Nabilah Johari who goes by her days embarrassing friends with her shameless antics.
The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on the list.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009 9:37 PM
So, I started 'Friend, Our Legend', which promised me rival gangsters in 80s Korea and best-friends-turned-deadly-enemies and Seo Do Young in schoolboy garb. What I didn't know? Before airing, someone apparently decided that a gangster drama needed to be kid-friendly. EVERYTHING IS BLURRED OUT. Seriously -- any hint of blood or violence has been slapped under a blur -- in a gangster drama. I just. What? The fight scenes were blurred. All weapons were blurred. Even the gangster's tattoos were blurred. It went from bizarre to downright hilarious. Don't worry kiddies, that's not a blurred baseball bat, he's just giving that man a CLOUD HUG! TO THE FACE!
My favorite is when the hero drops his cigarette to the ground in one of those artsy close-up moments -- and yes, it's blurred.

WHAT IS EVEN THE POINT OF THAT SHOT. "As a concerned parent, I had wanted to complain about this gross display of lawlessness, but since you blurred the filter it's clearly not recognizable as a cigarette, which of course my children have never seen."
I know Korean networks can be crazy with censorship (like in a BOF kiss blooper where the director yells at Lee Min Ho to CLOSE HIS MOUTH, thereby answering all my questions about the state of kiss scenes in dramas), but I thought it had to do with demographics and target audience? Do they think a lot of kids are watching historical gangster epics?



Extremely amusing: some guy's heartfelt yell as he swings his blobbed fist at the enemy. PHOTOSHOP IS COMING FOR YOU, FUCKER!
You stole my cake? I thought I ate it while I wasn't paying attention.
Thursday, July 2, 2009 11:05 PM
I can think of no subtle way to say "it's my birthday! be cheerful with me!", SO: it's my birthday! be cheerful with me! Feel my disgustingly chipper glee.I have a big chunk of what was left of the cake and I am going to pork myself with that and I am not sharing.;_;My family doesn't know it was my birthday yesterday. Thank god there's cake left. *eats to her sad faced * (Note: Edited the day after)
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