you innards have a pleasant aftertaste.
I cried "corn beef" in a demonic voice in front of people I'd just met. If that tells you anything about me...
Other than that, the name is Nabilah Johari who goes by her days embarrassing friends with her shameless antics.
one moth still not forgotten

27th June.

It marks the birth of an awesome friend, and his name is -- we call him Syubu or Syuaib (I have no idea what your full name is, mate).

One question : you're older than me, boy?

Another question : Was the question rhetorical? ( are aren't you.)

This tall lanky boy whom I thought was Chinese when we first met is fair-skinned, affable, smart, fair-skinned, ticklish, naughty (when he was about 3... or 2... he climbed over a fence, wrecked a TV, but story is he was a naughty lil' tike. I rispek yu boi). and FAIR-SKINNED. Damn, I confess the feeling of pathetic-ism(english failz right?) and feebleness whenever he's around with his FAIR skin of FAIRITITITITY-ISH FAIRNESS. I want a face illuminating the moon's radiance and glowing like the summer's sun and smooth like a delicate autumn's leaf falling to the ground. Oh what I would give. WHAT I WOULD GIVE.

Ah.. sidetracked again.

Syubu is also supposedly my soul mate, why? Because once we both did a personality quiz which claims to be super accurate, he was curious to see who he's compatible with in Brunei and the quiz thinks we're most compatible.

I am of the same opinion with the quiz but only with regard to our similar frame of mind. We are very pessimistic and cynical, or at least I think we are.


Haha Syubu my "soul mate" happy birthday, boy! And I will take this chance to apologise to you for the so many impish incidents I've done to you. I am hell aware that I am like a.. uh... rash? Yeh, a rash.

Once I'll see you again in school on Monday I'd jab you over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over -- *gets shot in the head* Duracell battery's motto is so annoying.

I don't want to ruin the merriment or the rejoice feeling but... how old are you? I know I'm a bad friend to not know about that. x[

All in all have a good time with your special day, mate. Push the boat out today.


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hubba hubba

Well allo thar. Haven't been entertaining you lots for a long time.

Currently I'm in the library with a dying laptop under my fingers, listening to the nonsensical buzzings from the girls so don't expect a proper vocab-with-good-grammar post. Boo you.

Some of y'all noticed the sudden change in me, but I really want to apologise to the majority of MD D.L-ers for making a "emotional dramatic scene" once twice thrice? Hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhaha -- (*slits the throat of a doll*)

Neesa, I am not demented. Mims, I am finnnnne. Zimah, dude I said WASSAP and you didn't answer, APANI?! Zatty, I is sorry for hurting you haaaands. Fakhri, HAAAIII PAKKARIII. gringringringringrin

anis, listen to dishwalla's EVERY LITTLE THING.

I am ooooooookaaaaaaayyy. HALLO WORLED.

OH OH. posted a post in my Wordpress account. AND THERE'S A VIDEO. GASPP.

But theeeeeeeen it's password-locked. SO ask me for the password. But specific persons can know. BWAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. fine maybe i havent forgiven muself.

aslkhfflkjsdahflkadshflksahk bye.
laptop dyiing severely.

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