I cried "corn beef" in a demonic voice in front of people I'd just met. If that tells you anything about me...
Other than that, the name is Nabilah Johari who goes by her days embarrassing friends with her shameless antics.
I cried "corn beef" in a demonic voice in front of people I'd just met. If that tells you anything about me...
Other than that, the name is Nabilah Johari who goes by her days embarrassing friends with her shameless antics.
Sunday, March 30, 2008 11:30 PM
Is it not midnight? It's still 30 of March right? Hah, good.Today I almost forgot to post a birthday greeting to Naz. Naz, you still suck! And I want the spaghetti you made last time! And 'member the pig pose? OINK OINK!Hahaha I miss that naive girl.Naz, bila lagi a small party at your house? I want the same menu as last year please! AND TWISTER!HAPPY 18TH NAZ!Yeaahhh, as you can see I can never make a good birthday greet post. It always ends up awkward. I'm always awkward.
destiniesss; au re voir
Saturday, March 29, 2008 11:02 PM
I along with the group came back 12 hours ago. Honestly speaking I miss London but I did miss Brunei however for the food. Suddenly I feel a killing intent aiming towards me. Haha awu wah I miss you guys, really.Jetlag is never a funny thing when once in a while you fall asleep upon doing a strenuous task. Can you believe it that this jetlagged and tired me right after stepping into the house they make me fix stuffs.OH SHOOT. I just remembered I left the easter egg chocolate back... in... UK....... damn. I LOVED IT SO MUCH.And it just hit me that I haven't bought much souveniers. I am greatly sorry if you didn't get one. And one thing I should remind myself the next time I ever want to buy food from elsewhere is to look at the ingredients.I -- I can't think straight once again. What you might want to know during the trip might be in Izni's lastest post since I don't have any pictures to accompany with it so it could distract you from reading every little useless details.GAAAAAAAAAAH. I miss Billy Elliot. And the temperature back in London. The tube. OXFORD STREET especially. Such a shame I had a choice of either starve myself or go vegge.Okay that's all. My head is literally on the bed as I type this. Not a good formation I say.
The little green book X)
Thursday, March 20, 2008 12:55 PM
Seven hours and counting.
Everything's done and packed now. All there's left is my contacts thingies and my laptop.
This morning Izni text messaged me about her luggage weight. Now I'm worried about mine. The weighing machine... thing... is busted, so the weight of my luggage still remains unknown.I envy Zati because she(with the help of her sister) made their mom cook ketam masak "something" before she steps out of the house. I want ketam masak kari again =9Gonna be missing out some important dates while in UK but hopefully the trip would take my mind off things. I need confess, come clean. I need to.
It's spring over there. KASDHFKLSJHLDSHKL AND I HAVE NO EFFING CAMERAA!! F ittt. I feel down in the dumps again. Damn it.

Guyyyysss, come ah if you can karang. Get this : I'm gonna wear tudong.
Hah, mati sekadar pulang tu. Sigh.
Selamat Menyambut Maulidurrasul
puffy hands ftw
Wednesday, March 19, 2008 6:34 PM
I would be excited like :D :D :DDDDDDDD...but no. Due to the last minute packing I've been strutting around the house for painstaking hours and my fragil-- [snorts from audience] shut uppppp -- my fragillleeee feet was aching to rest.Everything's packed up in my semi-huge luggage, minus the things I'll be using tomorrow norning - it's listed there... on my mirror. Yes, mirror. I don't have a picture of it, but I ain't kidding apparently there is a list on my mirror. I wrote on it. With black ink. And some red. And blue.... And I think my handwriting looks pretty there. Haha. Okay lame.Damn iiiittt.I haven't left Brunei and I'm a little homesick. What the heelllll.One thing I'm hoping not to happen is my mom sobbing. Gaahhhhh! Emphasis on the "Gaaahh!" [sigh] She cries, I cry, all emotional, ngrrrh, nooooooo. No nonononoo.SO,in 9 daysTwitter will be dead. The blog too. Most probably the tagboard too. For niinnnnee days.Okay 'sall.I'LL MISS YOU GUYS LIKE HELL. AND BRUNEI TOO.I'm gonna miss the burnin' scorchin' heat here. How I wish I could somehow lay down on the road and roll around it, feeling the radiated heat. Be it that a car carries bits of my crushed, pulverised body.Oh bye. I'm sleepy.Before I go...My hand itches so muuccch. What the puuuckkk?!
things like that
Tuesday, March 18, 2008 5:45 PM
Even though this is not enough to be called an update, but it is one nonetheless.WARNING : stresspost stresspost stresspost. Don't read. No really.Oh, before I forget(as I usually do with birthdays)...HAPPY 18TH YEEPING! SEE, I DIDN'T FORGET (as I always do)! And I feel bad that I haven't gotten you a gift. =/ Despite that, keep on being your... uh... perfectionist self. Haha, yyyeah.HAPPY 18TH!And as I type I'm watching Skins episode 6 and oh goooodddd TONYYYY NOOOOOO. I feel like crying watching him. And who the hell was that woman in black?My heart is thumping really hard. Adrenaline's rushing through my body when I think of it. The UK trip is in 2 days! TWO PUCKING DAYS!! And stupidly I haven't packed! So is Zati.But then I'm slightly worried about my hands. They itch. :S And when I mean by they itch I mean they reaalllyy itch, and for god's sake don't tell me it's an allergy reaction! I don't even know what I'm allergic to! I'll just have to hope it won't get worse during the 9-day trip.Just so you know, I'm still bummed out about my camera-less state. No camera, man. ARRGGGHHHHH. Emphasis on the ARGGGHH. F it. It's really frustrating me a lot. I miss my camera, man. F iiiiiit. And before you know it, another problem comes in adding more to the frustration. Honestly, it's pushing me to the eddgggeee. See how a single inanimate object affects me?Oh god, I need Mitch. A drunken Mitch. A drunken topless Mitch and pantsless too, laying down on a love couch, all sweaty. RAWR. But... ARRGGHHHHH. [headdesk headdesk headdesk HEADDEEESSSSK] This is so stupid.I am not stressed. I do not want a time machine. I am not trying to pull off reverse psychology. Too bad we can't be reborn. F that.
my pretty gem
Thursday, March 13, 2008 7:11 PM
This post is not meant to offend anyone specifically.I never really liked being in a debate. Despite the sensation that sends tingles down your spine you feel whenever you win, everything is not real. Every debate you need to go against the competitors, rebutting their points and all that. It can be tiring competing one another and some ends in a neck and neck, throating eachother.This is why I don't like debates. The pressure. The pressure has always been artificial.Debates are all adversarials. What good can you make with proving your point, unless it does change the world. What good comes out when, in debates, you try too hard to achieve what doesn't really matter to you.I do not mean to cause any angry sparks, but really now; do you feel happy when you debate?====END====Who cares if you're an able person. You're still a person with a heart and emotions. Along every journey there tends to have a bump and you stumble upon it. We're never perfect.Carrying happy memories is as good as having bad ones. It's the thing that keeps us human. You make friends, have them till forever if it's not far-fetched. When you stumble your friends would have your back, give a hand, console you. Why do you think we're there?Tears are the safety valve of the heart when
too much pressure is laid on it.
Better by far you should forget and smile than that you should remember and be sad.We love you. I know you don't have to be reminded about that. :)
mhmm yes =]
Friday, March 7, 2008 1:47 PM
In quest to take my mind off the former issue, let's talk about todaaaaayy.HIGHLIGHT OF TODAY : A quote from Mr Singh, while he came up with a Math question. Concerning permutations and combinations."Umilah, Mina, Nabilah and Aisyah do not want to sit together. They fought because they didn't get the cockporn -- uh, popcorn."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA It literally was an eye opener. What I mean is that I was that close to sleep during his tuition then that happened, my eyes lit up.My lips sting. I guess I bit it too hard when repressing the laughter and at the same time levelling myself from shaking too hard from the repressed laughter.Permutations and Combinations : I can never look at Math the same way ever again. Especially when it involves a group watching a movie and wanting cockporn. HAHAHA.Later this afternoon, I'm gonna go to HSBC to sign something for the headstart account.Oh fo shizzle. It's 3 and the bank closes at 4. FXCK. Okay gotta make this quick now.Miss Salawati apparently had given other students the letter about the parent - teacher meeting and it's Monday next week. Where's my letter Miss?
bornt with appendages
1:29 PM
Fxck it. I'm not ashamed to say that I have an ego of a man. Liat bapanya.It was just a little small defeat and I'm going crazy thinking about it. Fxck it. At times like these I really wish I was bornt male. Bloody hell I can't stop remembering about my defeat which is suppose to be trivial. I need to let it go! But my ego... BLOODY FUCKING GODDAMNED SHIT!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008 5:46 PM
Hah, no March updates. I am so sorry!So,A quick summary of this week so far.I foresee inproductivity in EAS class for a long long time. Maybe I could see the time wasted in class to make up lost time on sleeping. Orrr, find work to do. And Miss Zari's less uptight now :]Speaking of her, she came up to me around 2 in the afternoon with a distressed look - she was looking for a chairperson and a timekeeper. And I just had to say "Oh, no, I'm going home around 4" when I could easily slip away from her clutches.In the end, the last minute chairperson was me, and Nuar, who fell for the bait too, was the timekeeper. I swear she's doing this on purpose. I'm completely aware that she wanted to assist but... lkasdhgdkasljh. And mark my words, I will be another last minute replacement for something sooner or later.EAS class is just... fun-ish. Chronologically I was the last minute speaker, yet another last minute speaker, last minute replacement of something I can't remember, and now the last minute chairperson. I'm not gonna lie that I feel proud for odd reasons. HAHA. All to kill my low self esteem issues.Maybe I should make a thank you card to her. For all her help. I owe her big time. She's the bestest teacher as far as I can remember --- I hope she doesn't read my blog.This week's been a fxcked up one for some unfortunate others. I wonder if things'll end for them in a less dramatic melancholic fin.[sniff sniff] I smell food. I uh... anyway, Socio's been manageable. I like the topic. And for some odd reason I feel like Chris. Speaking of Chris, AHMAGHAADD EEEE OMG NOOO!! WHO THE PUCK?! And Maxxie, he breathes and my soul flutters.ELit. I'm captain of the delivery section, also playing as, the kissass, Gonerill. Note to self : Lose the accent. Lose the fugly accent. LASDHGLKASDH;DSJG And Gonerill just had to have long lines. Mr Peter said that once we're done with the whole play the class might be acting it out in front of the BEs. Fuck.I have stagefright issues wah.So uh, that's... all?
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